Discover the power of traveling in alignment

At Ninth House Travel, we believe travel is about more than visiting new destinations—
it’s an opportunity for discovery, transformation, and connection.

Hi, I’m Carmen!

Do you ever wish someone could curate the perfect travel itinerary for you? That the travel fairy would show up and *poof* everything would be BOOKED, without you lifting a finger? If that’s you, keep reading…

You love to travel. But you don’t have the time or patience for all the details. And nowadays it seems like there’s even more to think about (new Europe visas, anyone?) Or maybe you’re wanting more from your travels—more immersive and authentic experiences. Something off the beaten path (no #trending please).

Meet your new travel bestie (it’s me). I know firsthand that the BEST travel experiences are those where you really get to know the destination intimately. It’s taking the train straight out of Rome to a quiet Tuscan village. It’s an ecolodge in the jungle where instead of herds of people it’s a herd of monkeys. No more bouncing around from city to city trying to squeeze it all in while dodging tourists. And no one said off the beaten path means roughing it—that’s far from the truth. 

Travel planning with intention

I founded Ninth House Travel Co. as a way to help people like you travel more consciously. I traveled as a child to visit family in Puerto Rico and have taken every opportunity to travel ever since—an exchange in France, studying abroad in Australia and Mo’orea, working with sea turtles in Costa Rica, and so much more.

I understand how hard it can be to find the time to put together a perfect itinerary that also leaves a positive impact on the communities you visit. Because conscious travel is about so much more than bringing your reusable water bottle and buying carbon offsets. And I’m here to make it easy for you.

Ninth House Travel's mission is to create authentic experiences that are also environmentally and socially conscious—

so you can do more with your travel.

New to Sustainable Travel?

Download my completely free guide. I’ve packed it with super easy-to-implement tips that will take your travel to the next level.